What we know about his character

Update May 16, 1998

    A yet-unfinished droid, C-3PO is being built piece by piece on Tatooine, with parts taken from a variety of sources. Although constructed from used and reconditioned materials, C-3PO is meticulously assembled, following the structure of a standard Cybot Galactica protocol droid model as closely as possible. Most of the necessary parts are bought or traded for in junk shops on Tatooine, while some of the elusive pieces have to be built from scratch. Special requests to a star trader, or even a smuggler, occasionally help to obtain the more complex components.
    C-3PO is intended as a household servant. In spite of his unfinished state the droid can already perform several of his programmed functions, including translation in a number of languages. A few secondary components are still missing, but most of all C-3PO lacks his outer casing "skin" which will help him blend into human society and meanwhile protect his internal components. As additional pieces are added to the mechanical puzzle, the droid becomes more and more functional.
    Getting used to his environment takes up most of C-3PO's time, and he still has a lot to incorporate into his memory banks. But he is learning fast, and events will soon start him down the path to his destiny.

C-3PO with Anakin 455 x 344 37.3 k
Close up on C-3PO 426 x 292 24.5 k

February 20, 1999
This Bio came from the back packaging of the episode 1 action figures. Along with the bios are Commtech chip lines that the figures say to one another. Only time will tell if the bios and the lines are real. These were posted on SirSteve's Star War Guide.

    "Beginning life as a home-built protocol droid, C-3PO was an unfinished bundle of wires and metal before becoming the shiny golden droid we all know."
    Commtech: "Hello I am C-3PO Human Cyborg relations." ; "How might I serve you?" ; ""My parts are showing? Oh my goodness!" ; and "What do you mean naked?"
    Interacts with Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2 and Padma Naberrie

Information on C-3P0. T'Bone Fender's Star Wars Universe has keep quite on certain Episode 1 news. Why? Well, from his sources he can only reveal certain news at certain times. So now he lets it slip on my favorite Star Wars character, C-3P0. Before, my favorite character was Boba Fett. But after seeing the Trilogy all over again, I just love this droid that really seems to be afraid of everything that moves. And honestly I would love to have a wimpy protocol droid like him.

    "C-3PO in Episode One
    Everyone's pretty excited about C-3PO's appearance in Episode One. I just want to tell all those 3PO fans to not get their hopes up too high or they may be let down. C-3PO is barely a factor in this film and is only around for about two scenes. Of course things may happen during post-production that can change that and there may have been alternate scenes shot that have more 3PO in them but from what I can know he is not a major contributor to this part of the story.

    Here are a few things that I think are close to the truth:

    He is only in the Tatooine scenes (about two of them).
    He is only performed by Anthony Daniels in voice (he did not don the suit).
    He is constructed by Anakin at his hovel.
    He is in a different form and parts of him are C-Thru.
    He is not an important part of the story.

    The scenes that should contain C-3PO are most likely these:

    Anakin shows off his creation, C-3PO, to Padme in his bedroom. R2 is present there as well and I DO believe there is dialoge between the two. That should be hilarious! I hope he calls him a name.

    In another scene after the Pod race, Anakin says goodbye to 3PO before leaving Tatooine with Qui-Gon and crew. This scene takes place in another room of the hovel so I assume 3PO can walk or move somehow and is not just a mess of wires.
    Now you have to keep in mind that these things can change but I do not think 3PO's role will become more important until Episode Two. Will Anakin go back to Tatooine in search of his mother? Will he pick up 3PO then? Episode Two should answer these questions and more.

A couple of rumors from Ain't It Cool News. Warning Spoilers.

    C3p0- Every picture of him in the stuff I saw, even T-shirts that just had his name and face, he was real trashed. Not put together at all. Not really see through, but more in the sense of only somewhat put together. Actually, he looked like a zombified droid, parts kinda rotted away, at least half of his face this way. This would definitely click with some of what I've heard about him being found in a junk pile by either Anakin or Qui-gon.
    (HARRY NOTE: He is not found in a junk pile by either Anakin or Qui-Gon. He is Anakin's pet project. A protocal droid to help his mother with her work.)

    Finally, I got a real good look at C-3po. Alot of people were buggin out about his memory, alot of other B.S., but regardless of that, he looks damn cool. He is actually very wacky lookin, no gold armor, only a few peices of silver armor denoting his major features. The rest of him is made of all sorts of multi-colored wires, and that's it! I think it looks awesome, very design oriented and a nice twist.

About Anthony Daniels

For a long time before they actually reveled C-3PO in the trailer, some did not even think 3PO would even make it in Episode 1. The official Site stated that Anthony Daniels would play C-3PO when the site was open. But in just a few months Anthony Daniels name had disappeared from the cast list, This lead others to think that Mr. Daniels might not be here for Episode or he passed away. Once Star Wars Behind the Magic came out Anthony Daniels name was listed with the cast. And soon the Official Site had him among the rest.

If you are a Star Wars fan and you do not know whom Anthony Daniels, then you should really be assume. Mr. Daniels is famous for play the part of C-3PO in the original Trilogy. Unlike the original Daniel will not be crammed into a small suit. Instead the actor will play the voice of C3-PO. Although in the cast listing Daniels is higher up then Kenny Baker's R2-D2, word on the net is C3PO will have a very short role in the film.

    Internet Movie Database' Filmography of Kenny Baker
    Actor Filmography
  • Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) .... See-Threepio
    ... aka Star Wars: Episode I (1998) (USA: working title)
  • Special Effects: Anything Can Happen (1996) .... C-3PO
    ... aka Special Effects (1996)
  • Prime Suspect 4: The Lost Child (1995) (TV) .... Pathologist
  • Prime Suspect 4: Inner Circles (1995) (TV) .... Pathologist
  • I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle (1989)
  • Star Tours (1987) .... C-3PO
  • "Droids" (1985) TV Series (voice) .... C3P0
    ... aka "Droids: The Adventures of R2D2 and C3PO" (1985)
    ... aka "Star Wars: Droids" (1985)
  • Return of the Jedi (1983) .... C-3PO
    ... aka Blue Harvest (1982) (USA: fake working title)
    ... aka Revenge of the Jedi (1982) (USA: working title)
    ... aka Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) (USA: complete title)
    ... aka Star Wars: Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi (1983) (USA: working title)
  • Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) .... C-3PO
    ... aka Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (USA: complete title)
  • Lord of the Rings, The (1978) .... Legolas
  • Star Wars (1977) .... C-3PO
    ... aka Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope (1980) (USA: new title)